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Jay’s Septic Service

Here are some common questions that we are asked by clients. Click on a questions to see the answer.

Where is my septic tank located?

Jay’s Septic Service can help locate your septic tank.

You can also call your county environmental health department. If you did an inspection when you purchased the home, the report could mention the location.

How often should I get my septic tank pumped?

In our experience, the average home needs service every 3 years for proper maintenance. Each home is unique to its septic pumping needs.  There are a number of variables that can affect how often a septic tank needs pumping, such as, how many people live in the home?   What is the age of your septic system?   What is the capacity of your septic tank?   All of these questions make a difference in how often a tank should be serviced.

How can I tell if my septic field is bad?

Failure of a septic field is when the septic field can no longer handle the amount of liquid being provided to it. Look out for the following:

– Back up or slow draining toilets
– Back up or slow drawing bathtubs
– Back up or slow drinking sinks.
– Soggy lawn
– Puddling above where the septic field is located

If you have any further questions, please contact Jays Septic Service. We will be more than happy to help.